A project run by Huddersfield-based Yorkshire Children’s Centre has secured a share of £400,000 in Government funding to tackle domestic abuse.

The cash has come from the Home Office’s Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme and will be shared between the four projects, two of which are in Kirklees.

The funded initiatives hold offenders to account for their actions, and deliver bespoke training and guidance programmes aimed at changing their behaviour for good.

The funded projects are:

  • Kirklees Council – Caring Dads in Kirklees – A programme that has a positive impact on fathers’ parenting and co-parenting practices.
  • Restorative Solutions – Cautions and Relationship Abuse (CARA) service to meet the increasing demand to existing CARA service as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Restorative Solutions – Restore Families – A focused adolescent violence programme to address youth violence displayed towards family members and peers and 1-1 whole family support for both perpetrator and victim.
  • Huddersfield-based Yorkshire Children’s Centre (YCC) – Recognise Reflect Change (RRC) targeting male perpetrators and bringing a focused session for stalking behaviours.

Ms Brabin said: “I am extremely pleased that we’ve been able to secure these additional resources for West Yorkshire.

“It’s not just a large sum of funding, it’s fewer victims of domestic abuse, it’s perpetrators understanding their behaviour is wrong and making a commitment to stop. It’s also children growing up in a safe environment – like they all should.

“We know the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions has meant rising number of domestic violence incidents, and some of this money will be going to support services directly dealing with this fall out.

Yorkshire Children’s Centre

“Tackling offender behaviour is just one element of the fight against domestic abuse and I want victims in West Yorkshire to know that they absolutely come first.

“For anyone needing support on these issues please contact the police, Victim Support, or my office and you will be directed to the right services.”

Catherine McKenzie, head of children and family services at YCC, said: “We are delighted to announce that we have been granted funding. This will enable our dedicated team at Yorkshire Children’s Charity to deliver our Recognise Reflect Change (RCC) programme.

“This specialist programme has been developed to tackle the growing issue of domestic abuse, and we will work closely with male perpetrators within the Kirklees area to address the root cause of these behaviours.

“We are extremely grateful to receive the funds needed for this programme that aims to break the cycle of domestic abuse.”