A community partnership is to be set up to help drive regeneration in Marsden.

Kirklees Council is moving forward with wider plans for the village – a Marsden Masterplan – after the announcement of millions of pounds in investment.

The derelict New Mills in Brougham Road, known locally as Crowther’s Mill, is to undergo a £17.3 million restoration to include 58,000 sq ft of commercial space and 30 new homes. A grant of £5.6 million will come from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

Marsden will also see a re-modelled railway station as part of the TransPennine Route Upgrade.

With such significant investment on the way Kirklees Council wants to ensure wider benefits for the village such as more car parking.

The council is planning to set up a community partnership organisation with up to 10 local representatives. These could include Marsden Community Trust, Marsden Community Association, Colne Valley MP Jason McCartney, businesses, youth or sports groups or local schools.

The aim is to give the local community a voice in the future regeneration of the village.

Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove (centre) on a visit to New Mills with Jason McCartney MP (left)

The council’s masterplan will be centred in and around Peel Street and the railway station but in the future could include another derelict mill complex Bank Bottom Mill.

A meeting of the council’s Growth and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel on Monday was told that developers behind the New Mills scheme had consulted with Historic England and a pre-planning application has been submitted to Kirklees Council.

A report on the development of the masterplan and the community partnership is expected to go to Cabinet on March 12. A full planning application for New Mills could be submitted this summer.

Two members of the panel urged the council to keep a tight control on the mill re-development to ensure any planning obligations or promises were delivered.