Fifteen huge stage cloths saved from the former Huddersfield Palace Theatre need a new home – and no-one appears to want them.

Local author and historian Chris Marsden was one of a group of volunteers who salvaged the antique stage cloths from the flytower of the former theatre in 2012.

The stage cloths, which are up to 21ft high and some double-sided, provided a backdrop for performances.

The Palace Theatre in Kirkgate opened as a variety theatre in 1909 and closed in 1954. There was a serious fire in 1935 so it is believed the cloths date from between 1936 and 1954.

Mr Marsden said: “As it was a variety theatre the theatre managers would have had a collection of cloths that could be used with live touring acts.

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“There was a serious fire at the theatre in 1935 so the cloths must have been available for use between 1936 and 1954.

“Ceilings were inserted above the stage and as the building went through many different uses the fly loft was blocked off and the back cloths were left out of sight, dusty and forgotten for at least 58 years.

“Despite our hard work removing about 50 cloths we only managed to recover and transport just 15 cloths showing rural, urban, industrial, street, theatrical, fantasy, Mediterranean and oriental scenes.

“Apart from being on display at the Lawrence Batley Theatre during Heritage Open Days in 2012 the lovely cloths have been in storage in various places but now they are homeless again and urgently need a new owner, home or use. They are currently in a barn but the owner wants the space.”

Mr Marsden said Kirklees Museums had declined the cloths due to their size and the fact they probably wouldn’t be able to display them.

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The University of Bristol Theatre Collection has also declined them and they are outside the collection policies of the University of Huddersfield’s Heritage Quay and West Yorkshire Archive Service.

The former theatre became a bingo hall for many years and later various nightclubs. Permission was eventually granted for demolition. The façade and four walls were retained but the interior was gutted in October 2014 and the building was converted into student accommodation.

Anyone who can help should e-mail Mr Marsden on