Why I Work In… is a regular feature where we ask people about their jobs and the industry they work in. This time it’s Charles Maltby, programme director at Huddersfield Unlimited.

Tell us a little bit about Huddersfield Unlimited?

Huddersfield Unlimited (HU) is a business led organisation standing up for the town and targeting new investment to add to the existing over £1 billion of public investment currently taking place.

That investment relates to work being performed as part of the TransPennine Rail Upgrade (TRU), the University of Huddersfield’s National Health Innovation Campus (NHIC) and Kirklees Council’s activities for the Cultural Heart and other related town centre projects.

Our goals include presenting Huddersfield as the right place and now the right time for new private investment, alongside the public money, to attract additional higher paid jobs into the town and for residents and employees alike to benefit from the improving cultural and lifestyle opportunities.

We presented our vision at the Huddersfield Unlimited mini-conference last October and this can be viewed alongside an interactive map and more positive news about Huddersfield on the website www.huddersfieldunlimited.co.uk/our-future.

And what’s your role there – how would you describe your job to an alien?

As programme director for Huddersfield Unlimited, my role is to turn the aspirations and business plan of our chair, Sir John Harman, and the HU Board into actions that my colleague Maya Howcroft and I, together with help from our partners and supporters, can deliver.

How long have you worked in this sector?

My career has been spent in engineering and manufacturing, one of Huddersfield’s key strengths, and with a change in personal direction and ambition three years ago, I wanted to do more to help the community around where I live. In joining HU nearly two years ago, I saw an opportunity to support the very worthwhile ambition and help deliver some real action for Huddersfield.

What skills make someone a good programme director?

Three come to mind as key: The first is to be organised, able to plan activities and follow up to ensure they progress as required. This links to a second which is to be innovative in approach and have a wide range of experiences in order for the innovation ideas to come from many different areas/other sectors.

Finally, being able to communicate well with anyone and everyone who is interested in HU or the town of Huddersfield. This can be when speaking with them or planning messages to be used at our events or other group activities.

What’s your advice for people looking to get into the sector?

There are always opportunities for people to become more involved with their communities in some capacity or other, full and part time. The roles people can look for may be paid or unpaid depending on both the needs of the organisation and the person involved. Look out for opportunities, that is how I found the part time role at HU!

If you could describe your job in only three words, which would you choose?

Engaging, facilitating, delivering.

What do you most love about it?

Through the role, I have met, and continue to meet, a whole host of interesting people from the local community. I will not name drop, but the list includes many of the local public office officials as well as existing and new business leaders looking to help the wider local community.

What word would your colleagues use to describe you?


Where do you hope your career may take you?

I have enjoyed a long career in the engineering and manufacturing sectors to date and will continue to do more within my current portfolio. My portfolio also includes work with the community such as the HU role described here as well and business mentoring and support for a large charity supporting people with learning difficulties and autism as a trustee and non-executive director. Over the coming years I hope to keep doing more of the same, helping as many people and organisations as I sensibly can.

If someone is reading this and thinks, I’d love to work with Huddersfield Unlimited, what should they do?

Go to our website www.huddersfieldunlimited.co.uk and make contact with us through there. You can also follow us on social media from there as well.