Huddersfield-based Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice has launched a campaign to recruit more volunteers.

Called the ‘Time to Volunteer?’ campaign, it aims to promote the wide range of opportunities available to people who want to use their time to make a real difference to local children and families.

Forget Me Not also wants people to know about all the ways volunteering can benefit them – like learning new skills, building confidence, meeting new people and having fun.

Natalie has been volunteering with Forget Me Not for about three years – and started by helping shoppers pack their bags at a local supermarket one Christmas.

“I thought it would be good to give back to the hospice,” she said. Since then she’ll help out on the odd weekend and bank holiday when she can – “I like the flexibility.”

The best thing about volunteering, she says, is the fact you’re “making a difference to a wonderful cause, helping children and families get the support they need.”

To those thinking about volunteering with Forget Me Not, Natalie said: “I really recommend it! Why not give it a go?” 

Georgia Lane, fundraising manager at Forget Me Not, said: “We simply wouldn’t be here without volunteers generously donating their valuable time.

“We can’t open our shops without them and we can’t make the most of all the fundraising opportunities that come our way without people willing and able to spare some time to help.

“Every hour they give helps us provide more vital support to children and families. We’d love you to come and join them!”

Forget Me Not is holding a series of information events – online, in the hospice and in the community – so that people who are interested in volunteering can find out more about what’s involved and whether it’s right for them.

For all the dates and to book your place, visit: