A concert is being held at Huddersfield Mission to help support the town’s homeless and most vulnerable.

The Mission is hosting Rock Choir on Saturday October 8 (7.30pm) for an evening of uplifting entertainment.

There will also be a first-of-its-kind exhibition of artwork from the Mission’s weekly Art Group to mark World Homeless Day.

A spokesman for the Mission in Lord Street in Huddersfield town centre said: “The event promises to be a wonderful evening. The Rock Choir sounds are guaranteed to make you feel joyous!”

Tickets are £10 each, including refreshments, and all funds raised will go directly towards supporting the homeless and most vulnerable in Huddersfield.

The Mission would like to extend a huge thank you to Narelle and the fantastic Rock Choir who are giving their time to help raise funds.

You can buy your tickets here: https://www.huddersfieldmission.org.uk/events/rock-choir-concert