Yorkshire Housing has donated £2,000 to The Welcome Centre in Huddersfield to assist with its work in helping people in crisis in the local community.

The Welcome Centre is a charity that provides a range of practical support including food and personal care packs alongside a one-to-one advice, guidance and support service that is tailored to people’s individual circumstances.

Yorkshire Housing, the region’s largest developing housing association, is committed to supporting organisations that provide a valuable service to its customers and the wider community.

The Yorkshire Housing Charity Awards are five individual £2,000 donations which are distributed each year.

Colleagues nominate charities and organisations they’d like Yorkshire Housing to support based on a range of criteria including how significantly they benefit customers, local communities and the environment.

Yorkshire Housing also recently named Yorkshire Air Ambulance as its charity of the year 2022.

Clare Vernon, a tenancy coach at Yorkshire Housing, nominated The Welcome Centre for a charity award after seeing first-hand how they had supported a number of Yorkshire Housing customers and the positive impact it had on those families.

“I’ve referred a number of our customers to The Welcome Centre for support and they’ve always responded with kindness, compassion and empathy,” she said.

“We’re coming out a pandemic and are now in the middle of a cost of living crisis which means many more families are finding themselves in difficulty and are turning to The Welcome Centre for support.

“I hope our donation will help them to continue to provide their amazing services which are a lifeline to people when they’re really struggling and have nowhere else to turn.”

Emma Greenough, fundraising manager at The Welcome Centre, added: “The last two years have been detrimental to so many people’s lives, with job loss, debts, relationship breakdown and a significant increase in mental health issues.

“We work with over 100 local organisations including Yorkshire Housing and it’s lovely to know that the service we’re providing is making a difference to the lives of people within our community.

“We’d like to say a huge thank you to Clare for nominating us for one of the Yorkshire Housing Charity Awards.

“The £2,000 will provide 110 people with enough food for a week. Their pack will contain fresh fruit and veg, bread, eggs and a range of tinned and dried foods, all selected to fit their dietary needs and personal circumstances.

“Such a generous donation will help support local people in crisis.”

Anyone wishing to support The Welcome Centre by volunteering, donating food, goods or funds, joining as a business partner or taking on a fundraising challenge should contact Emma Greenough on 07564 776024 or 01484 515086.