It’s the business end of the season now for Yorkshire Amateur League Championship title chasers Marsden FC and here’s the latest round-up from manager Luke Haigh.

“It’s been stop-start since the turn of the year due to postponements so we haven’t really got a run going and we have games in hand.

“Injuries have hurt us this past couple of months but we are now starting to get some players back to fitness thankfully.

“We have brought in another coach – Rob Piercy – to join the existing team of coaches and he’s fitted in very well.

“Following our two division jump from last season into the Championship we have carried on where we have left off.

“We are going well at the top of the Championship and we are in the semi-final of the Hancock Cup against Ealandians which is to be held on April 2 at Golcar United’s ground (7.45 kick-off).

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“Everything is going well on the pitch but we still have so much work to do off it with getting things ready at our Fall Lane ground if we are to push on into the supreme division next season.

“We are currently trying to board up all the railings around the pitch with sponsor boards and black and white boards as well as potentially fencing the ground off if we can get the funding to help.

“I will be meeting with the committee within the next couple of weeks to talk through our future plans and ambitions.

“My main aim for now is to get Marsden first team competing at Step 7 football and having a competitive reserve team banging on the first team door for an opportunity.”