Student Daniel Bezkorowajnyj is pulling out the stops to play a 36-hour church organ marathon.

The non-stop session at St Lucius’s Church, Farnley Tyas, begins on Monday, November 6 at 8am.

He has three reasons for playing: To raise money for Children in Need, to make people aware of this lovely church and to raise awareness of organ playing and the creative arts, which he believes are increasingly neglected.

Daniel, 22, a film studies student at the University of Huddersfield, began playing the organ four years ago and has been at Farnley Tyas for almost two years. 

He said: “Organists have become a rare breed and it is such a difficult to job to do. When you’re not thinking about the two, three or four keyboards, you’re thinking about playing the pedals with your feet, or changing the stops. 

“That’s before you have time to even turn the page. Organists are a vital part of a church service, as they are literally the music makers.

“The creative arts – music, film, art, culture – form a significant role in society, and without them the world would be a much duller place.”

During his hours at the console, Daniel will play music by a variety of composers from Bach to Vierne. In addition, certain hours will be dedicated to pop music, film music and requests. 

He will be supported by members of the congregation and the marathon will be open to visitors.

You can contribute to Daniel’s church organ marathon by clicking here