Kirklees Council is to receive just short of £10 million from West Yorkshire Combined Authority to help ease budget pressures.

The combined authority is making £51 million available to the five West Yorkshire councils with Kirklees set to receive £9,424,404. The share is based on population, with the population of Kirklees listed as 433,300.

The funding comes as Kirklees needs to save £47 million ahead of the 2024-25 financial year and consultations are underway over the closure of three leisure centres, two dementia care homes, Cleckheaton Town Hall and Batley Library.

The cash being returned to councils comes from the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund reserve, which funds long-term infrastructure projects in the region.

Local leaders have stressed that long-term sustainable funding from central government is vital to properly address the financial situation facing councils.

The £51 million funding, agreed at a meeting of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, has been made possible through partnership working between the Mayor and five district council leaders, in order to relieve some budget pressures.

Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin said: “Councils across West Yorkshire and beyond are facing the perfect storm of government austerity cuts and high inflation. Because of devolution, I’ve been able to work with them to identify this support at a time of need.

“With town halls across the country declaring huge financial deficits, it is only right that regional leaders work together and step in where they can. But I am urging the government to stop passing the buck for their mismanagement of the economy and properly fund local government for the long-term.”

Kirklees Council leader Clr Cathy Scott said: “Councils in our region, and across the country, are facing major financial challenges. Releasing this funding back to councils is a positive step to reduce some of the immediate pressures.

“But many tough decisions remain for all local authorities and we urgently need wider government reform of the funding system to protect services for the long-term.”