Campaigners aiming to bring back Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival in 2023 have stepped up their fundraising push – and need the community’s help.

Festival organisers have had more than 100 backers since the fundraiser was launched but now more help is needed to ensure the £29,000 target is reached by July 22.

Community groups and individuals have backed the crowdfunder on the Spacehive platform but now campaigners want local groups to get involved to boost the fundraising.

The popular lantern festival with its illuminated parade hasn’t taken place since 2017 due to funding cuts and the Covid-19 pandemic.

A scaled-down Moonshine Festival of illuminated pictures in the windows of homes and businesses was held instead.

The crowdfunding campaign has so far smashed all expectations, reaching over 100 backers in its first few weeks.

However, more help is needed to bring it on track to raise just under £30,000 by July 22. These funds are essential to run such a large-scale event safely and to build in the creativity and inclusivity that the festival is known for.

The festival, a registered charity, is asking for local groups and businesses to run fundraising activities to help to raise some of the remaining funds.

Festival organiser Gill Bond said: “We have been bowled over by the generosity of local people and their enthusiasm to bring back the Moonraking Festival.

“Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to the crowdfunding campaign so far and helped to reach the first target of 100 backers in record time.

“We need a little more help from groups now to help raise further funds. We’re inviting people to come up with fun and engaging fundraising ideas to help to make the festival happen.”

Groups and individuals are invited to come up with inventive ideas to raise funds over the coming months.

  • Restaurants, bars and shops – could you make/stock a special product and donate the proceeds to help Moonraking?
  • Schools and businesses – could you run fancy dress, non-uniform days, bake sales or sponsored events?
  • Makers and craftspeople – could you make and sell a Moonraking inspired item?
  • Sports and activity groups – could you devise a fun sponsored event or fundraising raffle or challenge?

The festival is offering prizes in recognition of those who are most inventive, silly and – of course – those who can raise the most cash! The festival will share photos of any groups taking part.

So far, Green Valley Grocers have been selling Moonraker’s Whiskey Marmalade made by a local volunteer. A knitter has raffled two Moonraking themed hand-made hats in aid of the festival and Ruddi’s Retreat made a Moonraking themed chocolate bar.

Also, a local printmaker is selling Moonraking artwork and musician Jenny Goodman ran a benefit concert. A large-scale garage sale is being planned for June 18.

The festival is running a fundraising ceilidh which will also include a fundraisers’ prizewinner ceremony on Saturday July 9 at 7pm at Slaithwaite Civic Hall.

If you’re planning a fundraiser please let the festival know by emailing

To donate go to