A prolific burglar who raided a series of shops in Huddersfield town centre has been jailed for two years.

Lee Jenkins, 47, of Newsome, admitted six commercial burglaries and an offence of theft in which thousands of pounds worth of stock was stolen.

The raids included one on what police described as a “large retailer” on September 5 where a brick was thrown through a window.

Extensive enquiries were carried out by the Kirklees Town Centre Team and Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) following the September 5 break-in resulting in Jenkins being identified and swiftly arrested.

Sgt Amanda Holroyd, of the Kirklees Town Centre Team, said: “We welcome the sentencing of Jenkins who has been a prolific thief in Huddersfield responsible for the theft of stock valued at thousands of pounds.

“He was identified following thorough enquiries by the Kirklees Town Centre team and colleagues at the Huddersfield NPT and it is welcome news for our retailers that he is now behind bars.

“The Kirklees Town Centre Team works closely with retail businesses and Huddersfield BID to combat theft and anti-social behaviour to make the centre a better place for shoppers and traders.”

Jenkins was jailed at Leeds Crown Court last Thursday.