Police in Huddersfield have launched a crackdown on nuisance drivers and bikers – and want dashcam footage to help them track down offenders.

Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) last week seized 15 vehicles in a single operation.

On Thursday February 25, officers from Huddersfield NPT joined colleagues from West Yorkshire Police Roads Policing and Off-Road Bike Teams to target anti-social behaviour.

Officers were deployed across the area after information had been received in relation to off-road bikers and drivers.

During the operation officers issued 34 traffic offence reports and took 15 vehicles off the roads for a variety of issues including no insurance and no driving licence.

The operation was the latest in a series of road safety initiatives since Christmas. This has included “enhanced patrolling” around Castle Hill which has been a magnet for nuisance behaviour.

Police went off-road at Castle Hill

Insp Graham Dyson, of Huddersfield NPT, said: “This was a targeted operation to deal with a number of issues regarding the dangerous use of vehicles across the area.

“A number of locations were identified and officers were deployed to target those areas and remove illegal vehicles from our roads.

“I receive regular complaints regarding dangerous driving and riding and I understand how this type of behaviour affects people’s lives.

“It was therefore pleasing for me to get out with the team and see first-hand how technology is assisting officers to identify vehicles and people involved.

“I know there are various locations across Huddersfield that suffer with anti-social riding, and we will endeavour to continue to target those locations as an NPT, but also with the assistance of our Off-Road Bike and Roads Policing colleagues.

“I would encourage anyone with dashcam footage of incidents to forward this to police where it will be reviewed and action taken.”

West Yorkshire Police can be contacted via the non-emergency 101 number or reports can be made via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Dashcam footage can be submitted online via West Yorkshire Police at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/SaferRoadsSubmissions