Talks to save a £43 million residential and supermarket scheme planned for the site of the former Kirklees College in Huddersfield appear to have broken down – again.

The plans by Trinity One were recommended for refusal in November but councillors decided not to pull the plug and told planning officers to re-open negotiations.

Trinity One has invested well over £3 million so far in a ‘hybrid’ scheme to demolish the eyesore 1970s college buildings and build a Lidl store and 229 apartments.

The scheme was given the go-ahead 12 months ago on condition a legal agreement was reached with Kirklees Council over protection of a listing building on the site, the former Huddersfield Infirmary.

No agreement was signed and planners urged refusal and wanted to issue an Urgent Works Notice to protect the listed building from further deterioration.

READ MORE: How Trinity One said they were hit by a ‘bolt from the blue’ after talks with council

Councillors, however, remained keen to see the site developed and deferred a decision until no later than March 24 for planners and developers to find a compromise.

The application is now returning to the Strategic Planning Committee on Thursday February 24, with another recommendation for refusal.

The eyesore former Kirklees College site

The developers had originally said “urgent works” to the listed building – which included making it secure and weathertight – would be completed in 18 months.

After the latest talks with the council that timescale was brought forward to nine months but planners say that’s still not acceptable.

A report to the committee says: “The nine-month timeframe is not a significant measurable benefit from when considering that the applicant is required to look after their own listed building without the need for incentive from the grant of planning permission, and should the application be refused an Urgent Works Notice would be served to protect the listed buildings anyway.”

The report says that if the council refuses the application and the developer fails to comply with an Urgent Works Notice, “positive discussions” have been had with Historic England about funding.

READ MORE: Huddersfield Civic Society’s fears for former Huddersfield Infirmary building

The report says: “Historic England funding is a possibility if set criteria is met as one option to repair and preserve the grade II* former infirmary building and its wings.”

Councillors could still decide to give the go ahead subject to a legal agreement.

Trinity One says the overall project would take three years to complete and would create 222 jobs with 40 jobs at Lidl.