A sci-fi and comic book convention brought thousands of people into Huddersfield in a major boost to the town centre economy.

Huddersfield BID’s second annual Get Your Geek On event brought some star names to town and visitors – many dressed as their favourite comic book characters – flooded the streets.

Official figures show that footfall was 132,910, a 9% increase on the same day last year and the town centre was buzzing.

Feedback from visitors was great and the event also had tills ringing, with town centre shops and businesses reporting a rise in takings. One trader said his turnover rose by 20% on the day.

The star names included: James Cosmo, best known for his roles in Game of Thrones and Braveheart; Paul McGann, the eighth Doctor Who; and Guy Henry, who played the iconic Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, who took to the stage for a live Q+A with eventgoers.

There were movie cars and characters from Batman, Deadpool, Back to the Future, Stranger Things, Ghostbusters and many more. The Star Wars Experience, Zombie Survival School Area and Cosplay Masquerade were all a big hit amongst visitors.

Huddersfield BID manager Sam Sharp said: “Huddersfield town centre was packed on the day and the feedback we’ve had has been amazing.

“People were astounded at what we’d brought into Huddersfield. Sci-fi and comic con fans were in their element, of course, but it wasn’t just a comic con for the diehards.

“Everyone loved it and the look on people’s faces as Stormtroopers from Star Wars marched down New Street was priceless. It really was out of this world!”

Huddersfield BID (Business Improvement District) is a non-profit, levy-payer-funded business organisation which works to improve the town centre.

Get Your Geek On was held on Saturday June 24 and Huddersfield BID has a busy summer of events including the annual Huddersfield Lego Trail (August 1-31); and HuddersFeast, a street food festival, to be held in St George’s Square on September 22, 23 and 24.

Sam Sharp added: “Huddersfield BID is making a real difference in the town centre working with businesses and partner organisations such as Kirklees Council, the University of Huddersfield and West Yorkshire Police.

“Everything we do is about bringing people into town and promoting Huddersfield as an accessible, safe, vibrant and attractive destination that is a great place visit, work and live.”