A company which supplies printers and photocopiers held its annual planting day to help improve the local environment.

Milnsbridge-based Oyster took 75 clients to West Nab Farm above Meltham for its annual ‘You Print – We Plant’ event.

The volunteers planted 750 metres of hedgerow, comprising an impressive 7,500 plants, shrubs and trees.

Director Phil Birkhead said: “With this initiative we hope to have made a tangible improvement in biodiversity within the local area, providing vital habitats and supporting wildlife. It was hard work but everyone really enjoyed it.”

Oyster is a sustainably-focused managed print services provider and the company puts sustainability at the heart of its business.

Mr Birkhead added: “Printers and photocopiers are usually the last thing on a business’s mind when it comes to sustainability, however, time and time again, we are proving to organisations that, given the chance, we can demonstrate how we can not only help give back to the local environment, but also reduce costs.

“Through our ‘You Print – We Plant’ initiative, we have helped provide trees, plants and shrubs to schools and projects throughout the UK, something that we are immensely proud of.”

For more information contact Mr Birkhead on phil.birkhead@oystermps.co.uk.