Two new community vaccination centres are set to open as Kirklees Council and the local NHS step up the fight against Covid-19.

With infection rates in Kirklees stubbornly among the highest in the country and with cases of the Indian variant found in Huddersfield, the authorities are determined to make it easier for people to be vaccinated.

Volunteers are currently being recruited for vaccination centres at The Civic in Slaithwaite and the Darby & Joan Club in Clayton West.

The authorities want to bring vaccination centres closer to rural and more isolated communities after seeing the success of the Honley vaccination centre, which is staffed by local volunteers.

READ MORE: Surge testing ordered in Kirklees by Health Secretary Matt Hancock

Rachel Spencer-Henshall, Kirklees Council’s strategic director of public health, has repeatedly urged people to take the vaccine when it’s offered.

“It doesn’t matter how young or heathy you are, Covid-19 still presents a risk and the vaccine protects not just you but those around you too,” she said.

“Every vaccination matters. This is our main and most sustainable route back to normality. We’ve got good vaccine take-up in Kirklees and we’re already filling any gaps through pop-up vaccination clinics and new workplace vaccinations.

“That’s why we will be asking Government to support us in getting the vaccine out to more of our population as soon as possible.”

Jason McCartney MP had his jab at Honley

On Wednesday Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced surge testing in Kirklees amid growing concern over the Indian variant. Cases were confirmed in Kirklees earlier this week and extra testing was carried out at a Huddersfield high school.

Earlier this month volunteers at Honley Vaccination Centre were praised by Prime Minister Boris Johnson after a question from Colne Valley MP Jason McCartney, who had his jab there.