A new style Wagamama food outlet could be coming to Huddersfield town centre.

The Japanese-themed restaurant chain is seeking planning permission for a takeaway at the former Calder Vets unit on the Castlegate Retail Park off St John’s Road.

The unit is currently vacant – as are the units at either side – and the restaurant chain is wanting to change the use of the building for it to become a takeaway/home delivery operation.

In a document published on Kirklees Council’s planning website, the firm’s planning consultants say there is ample parking for customers coming to pick up orders and delivery riders coming and going.

The document says: “This is a new concept for Wagamama and differs from their more traditional restaurant format and their delivery kitchen format which has no public access.”

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The consultants say there would be no alteration to the outside of the building except for signage and there would no seating area for customers to sit and eat.

And with homes over 50 metres away across St John’s Road the consultants say there’s no need to impose time restrictions on opening hours.

The document says: “The opening hours for the unit are yet to be determined however given that there are no nearby residential uses…there would seem to be no reason to apply any kind of restriction in this respect.

Castlegate Retail Park with the proposed Wagamama unit (right). Picture: Google

“The location of the premises, away from residential properties, will ensure that the takeaway use can take place without detriment to residential amenity in respect of noise and disturbance.”

The retail park has a 1.5-hour parking limit but peak time for the takeaway will be evenings when other retail stores are closed.

“As with any takeaway (or restaurant) the site will cater for online deliveries from the likes of Deliveroo, Uber Eats or other locally-based aggregators.

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“With its off-street car park and dedicated access road the site is ideally located to accommodate this part of the operation. Collection riders will have ample space to pull up well away from the public highway.”

The consultants also say a name like Wagamama will bring a boost to the town centre.

“The occupation of the unit by a well-known national brand can help bring more interest into the centre and help to revitalise the local economy.

“Wagamama is a well-known brand with a good reputation for quality that can attract further investment interest to the town.”