One of the finest military bands is to take part in a concert at Huddersfield Town Hall to raise money for the Mayor of Kirklees’ Charity Appeal.

The Band of the Royal Air Force College will be performing alongside Gledholt Male Voice Choir and Lindley Junior School Choir on Friday December 1.

The concert will raise money for the Mayor Clr Cahal Burke’s charities for 2023-24 Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Charity and the Royal Air Force Association Huddersfield Branch.

Gledholt Male Voice Choir has a wide repertoire from songs from the musicals to some traditional Welsh hymns. The choir aims to encourage music in the community and helps to enhance the musical talents of its members.

Lindley Junior School Choir were awarded the prestigious Choir of the World award at the international musical Eisteddfod in Llangollen.

Clr Burke said: “Both charities are rich in values of providing unwavering help for our communities and to people who are in difficulty that need a guiding hand or help to support them. I am really looking forward to this charity concert and hope to see you there!”

RAF Music Services’ principal director of music, Wing Commander Richard Murray, said: “What a combination! Two wonderful choirs and RAF Music performing in the fabulous Huddersfield Town Hall in support of the Mayor’s charities. There is no better way to start December!”

Alison North MBE, choir director at Lindley Junior School Choir, said: “It is very exciting to be sharing the stage with the band and the choir. I’m sure it will be a spectacular occasion.”

The concert starts at 7pm and tickets at £15 can be bought HERE.