Youngsters from Meltham Moor Primary School joined hundreds of schools taking part in the world’s biggest mini-marathon challenge.

The TCS Mini London Marathon encouraged schools to sign up to a challenge to achieve a Guinness World Record for the most number of pledges for a sports activity in one month.

Children at the school were inspired to take part by their headteacher Liz Woodfield, who completed the real London Marathon in April.

Mrs Woodfield, a member of Holmfirth Harriers running club, completed the London Marathon in an impressive three hours and 15 minutes.

She was keen for the children to be involved in her marathon experience and said: “The mini-marathon was a wonderful event.

“Every child in school ran, from nursery to Year 6, and we were also helped by some young sports leaders from Honley High School.

“All of the staff joined in as well as many parents. The field was awash with happy smiles and shouts of support and encouragement.

“It was lovely to see so many people being active and having fun doing so. Together we have raised over £1,000 for our PTA.

“I had such a lot of support from the school community for my marathon, I wanted the children to experience some of this too. I was very proud of every single child.”

There were 110,000 pledges but unfortunately not enough to break the world record.

Donations can still be made to the JustGiving page

Can you spot Mrs Woodfield among the London Marathon runners?