How do you sum up a person so loved, a life so well lived without it sounding trite or cliched? It’s easy to say ‘there are no words.’ But there have to be words.

Mandy Taylor was extraordinary. She touched so many lives. She brought light and love through the darkest times. She didn’t think about herself, she thought about others. Constantly.

I was privileged to chat with Mandy just a couple of weeks ago. I had no idea just how ill she was. She was, as always, just Mandy.

She wanted to make me feel special. And she did. In her darkest times. It makes me emotional to type those words. And a little guilty.

How wonderful to be so selfless, to be always thinking of others and how they are feeling, and to want to leave them a little piece of yourself.

I agonised over writing this tribute. How do I do it? Should it be a traditional obituary, telling a life story from its beginning to its end?

Should it be a tribute piece with quotes from friends, family and even strangers? Journalists these days cut and paste from social media.

I nearly did the ‘cut and paste’ job. There’s lots of tributes out there on social media. The tributes are heartfelt and heartbreaking. My thoughts, love and prayers go out to Mandy’s husband Andrew and their family and friends.

Mandy Taylor

How would Mandy want me to write this? I think the answer came in what she told me two weeks ago when she launched the #BeMoreMandy Fund.

“I want to pass the baton on,” she said. “I want people to be inspired to be more Mandy whether that’s for one day or for a lifetime. This could be an amazing legacy.”

Everyone has their own memories of Mandy and those are private, personal and inspiring. Those memories are Mandy’s gift to you. I don’t need to share them here. They are for you to cherish and nurture.

READ MORE: Mandy’s amazing and inspiring story

What I want to share is Mandy’s legacy – that’s her #BeMoreMandy campaign, which her friends have already set in motion.

The fund will create special memories for under-privileged children and young people. It is being administered by the One Community Foundation which has pledged £10,000 to match pound-for-pound what is raised.

An initial target of £25,000 has been set, #BeMoreMandy T-shirts and sweatshirts are being sold and there’s a Mandathon planned for the Yorkshire coast in May next year.

So this is all about Mandy’s legacy now and it’s about what YOU can do for others. Mandy, thank you for being you. The baton has been handed over and you’re at peace now.

To support #BeMoreMandy go to