Kirklees Council has asked people to be considerate of their neighbours when having parties in their gardens.

The council’s summer night-time noise service resumes on Friday July 23 ahead of the start of the school summer holidays.

A council spokesman said: “It’s important when inviting friends and family round to your house whether or not you are inside or out that we all respect each other’s neighbours and keep noise to a minimum, and more so into the evening.

“Noise created naturally through gatherings may not seem particularly loud when part of that group but noise from other people’s activities can be at a level where it can cause some real distress to neighbours.”

To help combat excessive levels of noise, the council will be operating its night time noise service on Friday and Saturday nights between the hours of 9pm and 3am.

Anyone subjected to nuisance noise can call the team on 01484 414828 who will be able to advise on what level of noise is deemed acceptable and which types of noise we have the power to deal with.

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Dependent on the type and level of noise council officers will then attend the location to investigate and where possible attempt to resolve the issue on the night.

If this is not possible officers will follow up in the working week. The night time noise service also responds to calls about commercial premises so residents living near a venue, such as a pub or bar, can also ring.

Previously the team have been very successful in quickly identifying problems in communities and resolving noise complaints.

Clr Will Simpson

Clr Will Simpson, Cabinet Member for Culture and Greener Kirklees, said: “Problems with unacceptable, late night noise can be very distressing for local residents.

“They can stem from a number of places – whether it’s a neighbour next door or from a local pub a few streets away.

“The summer night time noise service will provide advice and support and where possible to help deal directly with any problems on an informal basis; however, there are a range of legal powers to resolve complaints if this isn’t possible.

“If you do experience noise between 9pm and 3am on Friday or Saturday nights, make sure you use the service provided by calling 01484 414828.”

If you have a noise problem visit the council’s noise nuisance webpage for advice or ring officers during normal office hours on 01484 414739.