Kirklees Council is helping bridge the “digital divide” by providing children with another 1,300 computers on top of the 4,000 devices already delivered.

With the majority of pupils unable to attend school due to lockdown, the laptops will be sent to the children and young people who need them the most.

The council has already supplied around 4,000 pieces of IT equipment through a Government programme, making Kirklees one of the leading authorities in the country for tapping into this support.

Now, the additional 1,300 devices are being funded and distributed as part of the local response to Covid-19.

Clr Carole Pattison, Cabinet member for Learning, Aspiration and Communities, said: “We are proud of the work we have already done to support families but we also know there is a greater need.

“Locally and nationally, there are so many children whose learning is suffering because they don’t have the right equipment.

“Working with schools, we’ve been able to identify children and young people across Kirklees who qualify for help. I’m delighted we are providing this funding and I want to thank our schools for their fantastic support – not only in rolling out this scheme but for everything they are doing at an incredibly tough time.”

Clr Viv Kendrick, Cabinet member for Children, said: “It’s vital that pupils are able to work effectively at home, reducing the impact of lockdown. Covid-19 has shone a light on digital inequality and we are doing everything possible to close those gaps, both now and in the long term.

“Whatever their family circumstances, we want all of our children to aspire, achieve and enjoy the best possible start in life. Funding 1,300 more laptops – in addition to the 4,000 already delivered – will truly make a difference.”

In an extra level of support, Kirklees Council has ensured all children who are in care have been given the equipment they need and has also ensured every foster family can access high-quality IT.

If you have a child who is struggling to access IT equipment at home contact your school in the first instance.