Police have new powers to drive yobs off a troubled Huddersfield estate.

Officers now have ‘direction to leave’ powers which means anyone causing a nuisance can be ordered to leave the area – and if they refuse they can be arrested.

Extra patrols have been sent into the Mereside estate at Waterloo and Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team have already made arrests and say more could follow.

Last Thursday, officers stopped and searched a group of youths in the area and arrested a male for possession of a knife.

Another teenage male has also been arrested on suspicion of firearms offences in connection with an incident on Sunday July 25 in which a suspected BB gun was pointed at a house.

Police also attended a community meeting to speak with residents and hear their concerns directly.

Insp Graham Dyson, of the Huddersfield NPT, said: “I am extremely concerned regarding the reported anti-social behaviour in the Waterloo area.

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“My officers will be continuing their patrols in the area and deal positively with any groups who are acting in an anti-social manner.

“A ‘direction to leave’ (DTL) authority will be in place for the area to give officers an extra tool to ensure those intent on causing anti-social behaviour will be removed and if they breach the DTL they will face arrest and criminal charges.

“There will be no ‘soft option’ for the carrying of weapons, and I would like to point out that, as in these cases, all incidents involving weapons are robustly investigated.

Insp Graham Dyson

“My team are working to take positive action to identify suspected offenders and prevent further incidents but this work cannot be achieved without the assistance of partner agencies and the community.

“I continue to ask that all crime and anti-social behaviour is reported to police which will enable officers to respond and put measures in place to prevent continued incidents.”

Anyone who has information about criminal activity in Huddersfield can contact the Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101 or make reports online at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/101livechat. Information can also be given anonymously to the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.