Into the Spotlight, sponsored by Huddersfield-based Scriba PR, is a weekly business feature which highlights up-and-coming businesses to watch. Here we introduce Santini 7®️Sports which has developed its own nutritional supplement brand.

A businessman who launched a nutritional supplements brand just six weeks before the Covid-19 pandemic struck believes he’s on the brink of some breakthrough deals.

Dominic Bohannan, 39, of Upper Denby, launched Santini 7®️Sports and created his own whey protein blend – Angry Dog.

He’s already signed deals with a Premier League football club and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), an American mixed martial arts company.

Over the last 15 years Dominic kept himself fit by regularly working out in the gym and he realised the benefits of protein supplements to help build and repair muscle and aid recovery.

But he was always sceptical about what other ingredients went into supplements and what he was putting into his body.

When a previous job on the railway came to an end Dominic decided to strike out on his own.

He teamed up with a nutritional science student who investigated other brands and looked at what they contained. The result was a new and unique recipe with minimal ingredients, no additives and no preservatives. The new supplement was patented.

Dominic said: “The business launched on January 28 2020 – and six weeks later a world pandemic happened!

“We were getting our products into local gyms, wholesalers and health shops – then, bang! Everything was shut down.”

Rather than being an end to Dominic’s business hopes, that was just the beginning.

“I started messaging people, making relationships with top professional clubs and athletes and there was lots of interest.

“We are a young, challenger brand but our product is top drawer,” added Dominic. “We have no additives and no hidden nasties and we are very bullish about our product.”

Angry Dog has two flavours – vanilla and raspberry ripple – and Dominic said: “We believe we have the formula and the taste right and I would back our product against any others in a blind taste test.”

Dominic is working with some serious names in global sport and believes a breakthrough is close.

“We are on the brink of making some brand-changing deals and because of the people we are talking to we could go from A to B in the blink of an eye,” he said.

“I believe in hard work and absolutely going for it. My aim is for Santini 7®️ Sports to be a world-recognised brand – trusted, vibrant, different from all the rest.

“We have had interest from investors and we have turned down investment. We would take on an investor but they would have to be right for the business.”

For more on Santini 7®️ Sports go the website HERE.