Huddersfield Trades Union Council is to celebrate its 135th anniversary next week.

Huddersfield TUC was formed in 1885 to bring trades unions together to fight for better working and living conditions.

The organisation will celebrate the anniversary on Saturday October 21 with a special event at Huddersfield Irish Centre.

Secretary Bob Stoker said: “Huddersfield TUC has a proud history in promoting solidarity in disputes and strikes, joint campaigns on issues such as fighting racism, cuts in public services and for better public transport service provision.”

Special guests on the night include Leeds East MP Richard Burgon, Matt Wrack, national president of the TUC and general secretary of the Fire Brigades’ Union, Harpreet Uppal, Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Huddersfield, Nick Ruff, chair of Kirklees UNISON and Ian Hodson, president of the Bakers’ Union.

There will be a buffet supper and entertainment from The Peace Artistes. Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm.

Tickets at £7 are available from Bob Stoker on 07530 633708 or