A community clean-up could prove the catalyst for change on a troubled Huddersfield estate.

Knife crime, nuisance and anti-social behaviour has been rife on the Walpole Estate in Crosland Moor.

But Kirklees Police and Safer Kirklees have moved in to work with residents to improve life on the estate.

A joint project is underway which has seen a sweep for discarded knives and a community clean-up to remove rubbish and tidy the streets.

Officers from Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) have also been working closely with local schools to deter young people from getting involved in anti-social behaviour.

A number of engagement events have now been held with residents to ask what their immediate priorities are, see what can be done to tackle them in the short term, and then find long term solutions.

Insp Graham Dyson, of Huddersfield NPT, said: “As a partnership we are continuing to review issues that have previously been highlighted regarding Walpole.

“The engagement events have allowed us to get a true feel of what is happening and what is affecting local people.

“This has resulted in officers being able to identify problems whether they are of a criminal nature or not, and then work with partners to deal with the issues.

“A clean up would not be traditionally something that people would feel is part of policing, however in the wider aspects of bringing a community together and working with partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour it is essential.

“It allows my officers to get more involved with the community and also to complete other work including knife sweeps whilst working alongside partners.

“I would encourage residents from all communities to report issues as this allows officers to get the fullest picture of what is affecting residents and allows them to conduct partnership operations to tackle issues.”

Clr Carole Pattison, Kirklees Council’s Cabinet member for learning, aspiration and communities, said:  “The work that has been undertaken in recent weeks on the Walpole estate is just a start.

“Looking forward, Safer Kirklees will be working with residents and West Yorkshire Police to continue to identify the key issues that are important to the people living in the area.

“The community clean-up was a huge success not just because of the litter picked up but because it allowed staff to speak to residents and build relationships that will help us work together to benefit the area and the local community.

“Thank you to the residents of Walpole who are eager to engage with us to share ideas, provide honest feedback and get involved in these community activities.”

Anyone who has information or intelligence about ongoing criminal activity on the Walpole estate or elsewhere can contact West Yorkshire Police on 101 or online via the Contact Us page or at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/101livechat

Information can also always be given anonymously to the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.