Huddersfield Parish Church is holding special services and events in the run-up to Christmas and everyone is invited.

On Wednesday December 14 (7pm) ‘On Christmas Night’ with Huddersfield Voices, directed by Mitchell Wright, the choir presents a concert centred around the Christmas Cananta ‘On Christmas Night’ by Bob Chilcott.

A sequence of eight carols, it follows the Christmas story from the fall of Adam to the birth of Jesus. Tickets are £8 and are available on the door. Refreshments served afterwards.

On Saturday December 14 (4pm) The Huddersfield Civic Carol Service has carols by candlelight with all your favourite carols and readings with contributions from community representatives from across Huddersfield.

Tuesday December 20 (7pm) Beer & Carols – a fun Christmas social event open to everyone for informal festive fun. With beer. And carols. And brass. And mulled wine. No booking is required and the event if FREE though donations are invited to cover the cost of refreshments.

Saturday December 24 (4pm) The Huddersfield Nativity & Christingle. Come as you are or come as Mary, Joseph, an angel or a shepherd, as the church shares a nativity for all people and all ages. The event is FREE. Donations will be encouraged for The Children’s Society.