St George’s Square in Huddersfield is being celebrated with a photographic competition.

Huddersfield Local History Society’s Memories of Our Square project is inviting entries now.

You may have taken a picture that shows the full expanse of the square, one that focuses upon a building or a particular feature, no matter how small.

St George’s Square also includes the Lion Arcade and extends along Railway Street to include Estate Buildings.

The project is offering two prizes of £100 each: a prize for adult photographers as well as one for those who are under 18.

The photograph, however, must have been taken since the beginning of 2020 and should be of sufficient digital quality to be included in a book due to be published in 2023. You should also pinpoint exactly whereabouts it was taken just in case it’s not obvious!

Beverley Norris, who is organising the competition for Huddersfield Local History Society, said: “We hope the competition will bring to light images of the square that capture its unique character.

“These may include traditional views of the square as well as more unusual shots. Photographs taken since the beginning of 2020 are eligible which may lead to some pictures showing the impact of the pandemic upon the square.

“The winning images will be displayed on the Memories of Our Square website and in the upcoming book and so will themselves become part of the history of the square.”

The images (top and above) shows a drone being flown in St George’s Square to take footage for Huddersfield Hub. The pictures and video were shot in a deserted square during lockdown in January 2021.

Huddersfield Local History Society’s chairman Cyril Pearce said: “St George’s Square is a very special place. Graced as it is by some of Huddersfield’s finest Victorian buildings and by the outstanding Grade 1 listed station façade, it has been special to a great many of us – a place where we have shared important moments in our lives.

“It has been celebrated in photography and other images since it was first created more than 170 years ago and these images are a rich part of our local heritage.

“We all have our own cherished memories and cherished images of this iconic place. With this competition, we are inviting you to share your cherished images in photography and, in doing that, to make your own contribution to the square’s visual history and to our local heritage.”

Craig Broadwith, from Historic England, added: “It’s great that the Huddersfield High Street Heritage Action Zone has created a platform for people to express their creativity.

“The photo competition will form a lasting legacy for the project. I hope people embrace the opportunity to share their pictures and memories and enjoy taking part. It will be exciting to see what they produce.”

The competition is just part of Huddersfield Local History Society’s three-year-long project, Memories of Our Square, due to culminate in the publication of an illustrated book in 2023 telling the history of St George’s Square through eye-witness accounts from the past as well as memories and stories that have been collected during the project – some of these, together with snippets from the archives, have already featured on the society’s Our Square website (

All competition entries have to be submitted though the Memories of Our Square website where all conditions of entry can also be found.

The competition runs from May 23 and closes on October 3 2022. The winning entries will be announced on November 5 2022.

The Memories of Our Square project, including this competition, is a three-year project funded by the High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) programme, a Government-funded scheme led by Historic England, supported further by Kirklees Council.