Ultimately, it wasn’t to be for Huddersfield Town but once the disappointment of Wembley is out of the system Terriers fans can look back on the 2021-22 season with pride. Hopefully our tongue-in-cheek reasons to be cheerful will give you a little smile. Chin up, Town fans!

  1. No trips to the soulless ‘theatres of dreams’ of the Premier League full of tourists, the prawn sandwich brigade and people who buy half-and half scarves. What a pointless waste of wool.

2. We had a great day/weekend in London – apart from the result.

3. We live in Huddersfield in God’s Own County and not darn sarf.

4. We can lose those infernal clappers!

5. Sorba Thomas has signed a new contract.

6. We have the Terrier Spirit back and the players are as honest as the day is long. And Sunday was a loooong day!

7. We have one of the brightest young coaches in the game. Probably only Pep can get away with those skinny chinos like Carlos can.

8. They don’t have VAR in the Championship. Not that Town are any more likely to get a penalty.

9. The new season starts on July 30! We go again…

By the way, for all you older Town fans we spotted Dean Gorre on Wembley Way. Well, at least that’s what it said on the back of his shirt…