By Martin Eastwood, vice-chairman, Huddersfield Giants Supporters’ Association

The Huddersfield Giants Supporters’ Association (HGSA) recently hosted an evening with Giants’ owner and interim Super League chairman Ken Davy at the Laund Hill complex. Many topics were discussed on the night and here are just a few of the subjects covered.

It’s no surprise, of course, that Ken was bitterly disappointed with the Challenge Cup Final result at Tottenham. However, that disappointment was eased slightly by the fact that the Giants were one of only two teams to play in the first (and possibly only) cup final at the superb Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

As Ken said, there are many clubs who would have loved to have swapped places with the Giants and he insists we should all feel very proud of Ian Watson and his squad.

On that, he also praised the work that Ian and the players are doing so far in 2022 and stressed that the main strengths of this team, and indeed the club, is TOGETHERNESS. He said everyone at the club from the directors to the fans are all united and backing the club, which can only bode well for the future.

The future of the club was also discussed, with Ken once again reiterating the need for the Giants to grow the fanbase and therefore become more sustainable.

It was also agreed that there needs to a shift in demographics of the support, as with other levels of the sport. We need more younger supporters and it’s hoped the under 30s season ticket offer will help boost these numbers.

Ken made clear that every supporter of the Giants, long-term, new, casual or once-in-a-while fans can all do their bit. If every season ticket holder could bring one extra friend, family member, colleague etc then we can double the fanbase and push for more sustainability. Come on, folks, let’s help out for Ken!

Ken also spoke about his role as interim SL chair and how there is now real solidarity within the governance of the game due to the realignment of SL and the RFL and he welcomed IMG into the fold. There are changes and exciting times ahead for the sport hopefully which Ken has helped to facilitate.

Finally, he thanked the fans present and commended the HGSA and our volunteers for the work we are doing with the various teams at Laund Hill and the fundraising.

We would like to place on record our sincere thanks to Ken for giving up his time and being so honest, open and dedicated to the Giants’ cause.