Golcar will become the first club in the Huddersfield Cricket League to live stream matches. 

Using streaming service FrogBox the club will broadcast all its 2021 matches allowing people to watch from home. 

The pioneering idea was the brainchild of first team captain Jack McNamara. Golcar is believed to be one of only a handful of cricket clubs around the country to live stream matches. 

The system will cost the club around £1,500 to install. After that it will cost £500 a year. The club has funded the project through a three-year sponsorship deal with Huddersfield-based fm Company (UK) Ltd.

Jack believes the streaming capability will become a vital media tool as the team will be able to watch games back. They can also use the footage on social media and create highlight packages for fans to enjoy. 

“I am originally from Australia and a lot of the clubs over there have been using this system,” said Jack. “I have a few mates over there and they all kept saying how it good it was. I even heard that some of the clubs who hadn’t used it thought they’d missed out. 

“I checked out the FrogBox website and saw they were involved with a few clubs so I thought it’d be a good thing for us to have at Golcar.

“It will cost us a bit of money but the committee has signed off on it and we have a sponsor, which is great. I’m just praying it works for the first game!

“Hopefully we can use the technology for lots of different things. It’ll help us get more people interested in the sport and give fans a chance to watch the team they love.” 

The streams will be free to watch and can be accessed via the club’s YouTube channel or the FrogBox website.

Golcar will be hoping to get off to a good start when the season commences on April 17.