By Tristan Wooller, Huddersfield Town Supporters’ Association (HTSA) board member

Huddersfield Town Supporters’ Association (HTSA) launched the HTSA Sustainable Stadium Campaign survey a few weeks ago and were pleasantly surprised to receive well over 100 responses.

Not only that but the survey results show that Huddersfield Town fans have a strong interest in sustainability and overwhelmingly back the Sustainable Stadium Campaign

Importantly the vast majority of Town fans want the club to take measures to make the club and stadium more sustainable.

All six of the campaign aims garnered strong support from the vast majority of fans who participated. We were clear at the outset that the results would be used to guide HTSA’s future direction as well as being a useful tool to inform the club of supporters’ opinions.

On that basis HTSA have decided to maintain all six campaign aims going forward but in the short term encourage the club to work with HTSA to improve the level of recycling at the stadium, as this was the aim that had the most support (over 85% of fans who participated in the survey believed this aim would make the stadium more sustainable).

It was also really encouraging to see that fans would be willing to make changes as well: 

We’re already using the results to inform the club and to encourage them to join us in a joint initiative to provide recycling bins on stadium concourses (and we’ve contacted the council to see if funding is available).

We’re also keen for the club to restart the Sustainable Stadium campaign working group meetings as soon as possible after being curtailed when the Covid-19 pandemic started. 

We’re pleased to announce a new partnership with Pledgeball, and have some plans for next season involving local businesses.

We hope to update fans on how the campaign is going in the coming months.

In the meantime, remember that we’re running a new membership scheme: you can join HTSA for just £1, and if you work in the NHS, emergency services, a school or the armed forces, membership is free! Existing members can also extend their membership for free.