The NHS in Kirklees has urged anyone currently eligible for a Covid-19 vaccination to book an appointment without delay.

Calls to get jabbed come alongside new figures showing over a quarter of a million people in the district and more than 31 million people across England have now received a first dose of the vaccine.

NHS staff are continuing to jab people within the guidance set out by the JCVI on priority groups and anyone aged 34 or over can now book their jab through the national booking system. In total, 229,119 in the district have received their first dose of protection and 137,329 have already been fully vaccinated.

The NHS and Kirklees Council are continuing to work round the clock to reach people in the nine priority cohorts who have not yet had their vaccination and are providing extra clinics to help increase the number of jabs on offer.

Steve Brennan, senior responsible officer for the Kirklees Vaccination Programme, said: “Vaccines are safe, effective and it’s never too late to get your jab so if you’re eligible do not delay booking in for your appointment.

READ MORE: New vaccination centres planned for Slaithwaite and Clayton West

“Getting vaccinated is the most important step we can take to protect ourselves, our families and our communities against Covid-19, so when it is your turn to get your first or second dose please do so.

“Following updated advice from the Government and Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), people aged 50 and over and the clinically vulnerable are having their second doses brought forward to counter the spread of the Indian variant so the NHS will let you know if you need to rebook.”

Last week, the Government and the JCVI announced that second dose appointments will be brought forward from 12 to 8 weeks for those aged 50 and over who have yet to receive theirs.

People who should have their second dose brought forward do not need to contact the NHS. The NHS will let them know when they can rebook.

READ MORE: Surge testing in Kirklees as Indian variant is found in Huddersfield

When invited, people will be able to book at the vaccination centres at John Smith’s Stadium or one of the pharmacy centres available through the national booking service.

Some GPs in the district are also continuing to work together to provide vaccinations at local centres and are busy contacting eligible patients to book appointments.

People 39 and under who are eligible and pregnant women will be offered the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine in line with recently updated JCVI guidance.