The moon has been shining on Slaithwaite’s Moonshine festival, a post-lockdown twist on the popular Moonraking Festival.

Homes and businesses in the village light up specially-designed picture windows and there’s no limit to the imagination people have shown.

The festival started on Thursday night and runs until Sunday night and between 6pm and 9pm people are encouraged to follow the Moonshine map and enjoy a visual feast! The theme this year is ‘water’ and, fortunately, the rain is due to stay away!

Festival director Gill Bond said: “The first day of Moonshine was just fabulous! We could see for the first time what people had been doing behind closed doors.

“We had a great time spotting where all the different pictures are around the village. Each night the festival will grow, as some people are reminded to put up pictures we haven’t yet seen, some will add extra lights so that theirs show up better and others will add to their creations and make new ones inspired by what they have seen.

“It’s great to see so many people taking part and there are some really stunning pictures. Some will really make you laugh, others may even bring a tear to your eye. From the most complex to simplest – there’s lots to see.

“There’s some shiny and professional, some made by young children and some that say powerful things with some really simple images.

“Not everything is obvious – come with a mind to spot artwork in surprising places – sometimes you need to look UP!”