Third Sector Leaders Kirklees are delighted to be working in partnership with Lawrence Batley Theatre and Kirklees Year of Music on an inspiring and ambitious volunteer programme called Future Creative.

Future Creative is funded by Arts Council England and will provide an opportunity for young people aged 16 to 24 years old to support creative and cultural events across Kirklees through event and digital-based volunteering.

The Future Creative programme also offers training and support with opportunities for volunteers to meet creative professionals, learn new skills, make friends and update their CV.

Third Sector Leaders is the accredited Volunteer Centre for Kirklees and Becky Bracey, volunteer services lead, said: “Since Covid, the opportunities for young people to volunteer have decreased and we know how important volunteering can be as a stepping-stone to employment as well as increasing wellbeing and social connections.

“This funding has come at the perfect time as we prepare to welcome Kirklees Year of Music 2023. We are looking forward to engaging young people from across Kirklees in flexible, fun and inspiring volunteering through Future Creative.

“We are particularly hoping to reach people who have not volunteered before and provide them with rewarding experiences and connections to the creative and cultural sectors in Kirklees.”

Imogen Spencer, of the Future Creative team, outside Lawrence Batley Theatre

Becky Atkinson, CEO of Lawrence Batley Theatre, added: “I am so proud that we’ve started this new volunteering project.

“When I was a young adult living in Huddersfield, I had to relocate to London to get this sort of opportunity.

“Now we can offer a taster of what it’s like to be part of the creative industries right here in Kirklees. Opportunities like this are what makes our area an amazing place to live and work.”

Young people interested in getting involved can register their details at

Organisations delivering an event for Kirklees Year of Music can also request volunteer support from the Future Creative team.

For enquiries relating to Future Creative, please contact Becky Bracey or Imogen Spencer at tel. 07776 588691 / 07586 999856.