Flu vaccinations are being offered at Honley Village Hall this weekend as part of a drive to help protect the NHS this winter.

The team behind the Honley Covid Vaccination Centre have been asked to help administer the flu jabs after their success throughout 2021.

The flu jabs this weekend are only available to those eligible aged 18 to 65. A different vaccine is offered to people aged over 65 and that’s not available this weekend.

One of the organisers, Sylvia Sellen, said it was a case of turning back the clock 12 months as the volunteers first started giving flu jabs exactly a year ago.

“We started our flu clinic last year which was – would you believe – just in case we needed to do a Covid vaccine clinic,” she said.

As it turned out the flu clinic was a trial run for the Covid vaccinations. Honley’s Covid Vaccination Clinic started on January 28 this year and had 185 volunteers at its peak. In total Honley has delivered a staggering 59,000 Covid jabs.

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Sylvia said: “We’ve been asked by the NHS to help again by administering the flu vaccine. The driver for this is the concern for both our communities and the NHS if we get flu.

“Therefore we’re running a community flu clinic this weekend for the 18-65 year old bracket.”

Appointments can be booked via http://tinyurl.com/honleyflu although walk-in jabs are available.

The sessions this weekend are: Friday 9am-1pm and 3pm-7pm; Saturday 9am-1pm and 2pm-6pm; and Sunday 9am-1pm.

You are eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine if:
You’re over 50
You’re pregnant
You have asthma or a lung condition
You have chronic heart disease
You have diabetes
You have a chronic kidney or liver condition
You’ve had a stroke
You have an illness or are taking medicines that affect your immune system.