Linthwaite FC are finally moving back home after 30 years of playing outside the village.

The club is moving to Colne Valley High School in Linthwaite and three committee members – chairman Simon Hagerty, vice-chairman Mike Teer and secretary James Carter – are taking on a challenge to help raise the profile of the club. 

The challenge is taking place on Saturday August 28 and is to run or walk 74 miles in one day calling at six professional football clubs in under 20 hours.

James said: “We have over 200 children associated with our club and with the inclusion of girls football, it is getting bigger and more popular than ever.

“With the hope of football coming back to Linthwaite we wanted to raise the profile of our great club by doing something different and to raise some much needed funds to help us achieve our goal of bringing football back.

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“To do this, we have decided to not only challenge ourselves and push ourselves to our absolute limits of physical and mental endurance but we wanted to do something we have spoken about for a while, a timed walk/run. 

“We originally had the idea of doing it over a full weekend but have decided to visit six football clubs in less than one day. 

“We will set off from our proposed new home at Colne Valley High School and walk/run to the following grounds in order: Huddersfield Town, Leeds United, Bradford City, Halifax Town, AFC Rochdale and Oldham Athletic finishing back at Colne Valley High School. 

“We are not seasoned athletes in the slightest but do have a new mutual love of running having taken up exercise since the pandemic hit.”

A target of £2,000 has been set and the donations page on Facebook can be found HERE.