Have your say on the Kirklees Local Offer website, which brings together support and services for families who are affected by special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Kirklees Council is looking to make even more improvements to the Local Offer – and your views will shape future development of the site.
It’s already a one-stop-shop for supporting children and young people with SEND, featuring activities, advice, information and details of the local organisations who can help.
The Local Offer survey is now up and running, so please visit to give your feedback. It only takes a few minutes.
Clr Carole Pattison, Cabinet member for Learning, Aspiration and Communities, said: “The Local Offer is a treasure trove of information and is very well used by local families affected by SEND.
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“We are looking to make it even better so that vulnerable children and young people can continue accessing high-quality support, helping them to enjoy the best start in life.
“The website was developed with our partners, including local families who gave valuable insight into the kind of information they needed and how they wanted to find it.
“The more people complete the survey, the more we can keep improving what’s on offer. Our aim is to improve the lives of our children and young people and make sure they receive fantastic support.”
In creating the Local Offer, the council worked closely with PCAN (Parent of Children with Additional Needs), KIAS (Kirklees Information Advice and Support), plus parents, children with SEND and a range of professionals.
To see how your family can benefit – and to take part in the survey – please visit www.kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk