A school in Huddersfield has been awarded the Modeshift STARS Bronze standard for their commitment to sustainable travel. 

Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School joined the scheme in September 2020. They are the first school in the Kirklees area to be awarded this honour. 

Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.

Teachers at the school have supported families in their child’s efforts to cycle and walk to school.

The school, supported by Kirklees Council staff, have seen the benefits of sustainable travel through parents taking an active part in logging travel to school, children learning the importance of being healthier and staff being better informed to support families in making healthier choices.

The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel to improve the health and well-being of children and young people. 

There are several schools in Kirklees currently working towards their Bronze award. With the support of officers from Kirklees Council’s highways safety team.

 Jane Travis, headteacher of Linthwaite Ardron said: “We are very proud of our boys and girls at Linthwaite Ardron. They continue to make healthier choices and the teachers encourage all to participate. Well done everyone and thank you for the continued support parents/carers.”

Colin Parr, strategic director for environment and climate change, said: “I would like to say well done to the school, the children and their families who have shown great commitment to this challenge.

“Sustainable travel is important for our children’s well-being and for the environment. Walking to school not only means that children are likely to be healthier, fitter and more alert than those who are driven but these more sustainable journeys are vital for the environment. It eases congestion on our roads, helps to combat climate change and reduces air pollution.

“We hope to see more schools making a commitment to sustainable travel and we will continue to do whatever we can to help them achieve their goals.”

Linthwaite Ardron is not planning to stop their good work at the Bronze award, they have already set their sights on the Silver award.

Schools wanting to find out more about how they can promote sustainable travel should visit the Modeshift Stars website where they can register and start working towards healthier choices.