By Jamie Harrison, Huddersfield Cricket League

The Heavy Woollen Cup is looking to add to its pool of applicants for 2022. The historic cricket trophy has been won by some of Huddersfield’s top sides down the years.

Entry criteria has been relaxed to make the competition more appealing and organisers would be especially pleased to see lapsed clubs take part once again.

The competition, which was first played in 1883, has a long association with many Huddersfield Cricket League clubs. Lascelles Hall was the first club in the league to achieve success by winning it eight years after its formation in 1861; the Huddersfield League’s oldest club won a notably low-scoring game by defending a 81-6 first innings total (bowling out Ossett for 33!)

It took nearly a century until Almondbury were the next club to grace the trophy by winning it in 1976, again defeating Ossett. Since then, Lascelles Hall were champions for a second time in 1982 before Kirkheaton, Slaithwaite, Elland and Shepley (twice!) all claimed the prestigious trophy. 

Current Huddersfield Cricket League club Mirfield have also won it twice in their Central Yorkshire League days.

The mid-80s to mid-90s was a particularly golden era for Huddersfield clubs’ participation, with a Huddersfield-based side featuring in the final almost every season during that period.

Slaithwaite, who won it in 1987 were losing finalists in 1991 and 1993. Kirkheaton’s big moment came in 1985 but they lost the following season and again in 1992. Shepley’s loss in 1990 against Mirfield was redressed after their two excellent victories in 2011 and 2019.

Hoylandswaine have nudged close three seasons on the spin but lost out in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

For 2022, the committee has allowed clubs to enter just one side in the competition if they prefer, although this must be a 1XI in the Heavy Woollen competition with 2XI teams making up the Crowther Cup.

They feel that fielding two teams on a Sunday can be a struggle so they will accept a team made up of first and second team players into the Heavy Woollen Cup. 

Second team players with hopes or ambitions to venture into first team cricket, could provide them with the experience of playing against opposition they do not come across on a weekly basis within their own league.

The entry fee has been frozen at £35 in a hope it will be as attractive as possible to clubs. Should a club receive a home draw then an opportunity arises to recoup this fee from teas, raffles and suchlike.

If a club would like to discuss entering, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact either of the following officials: Secretary: Sue Roberts on or or Match Day Manager: Paul McFarlane on