Shops and businesses are being invited to help plan the re-opening of Huddersfield town centre from mid-April.

Non-essential shops, hairdressers and beauty salons, outdoor hospitality, gyms and most outdoor attractions could start again from April 12, Boris Johnson has announced.

To prepare to welcome people back into the town centre, Huddersfield Business Improvement District (BID) is teaming up with key partners, organisations and businesses.

Huddersfield BID has invited interested parties to join a sub-group to prepare for the smooth and safe re-opening of the town centre.

Getting ready to welcome people back

BID manager Matthew Chapman said: “As with previous easing of restrictions, we at the BID are keen to collectively work together to ensure Huddersfield navigates its way to a Covid-secure environment. We’re really looking forward to working with other like-minded, positive people and organisations.”

Matthew had a message for businesses and said: “Huddersfield BID are here to support you through these uncertain times and would like you to reach out to us if you have any enquiries.”

There’s a meeting on Wednesday February 24 to discuss re-opening plans. To register your interest fill out the contact form at or get in touch via