Huddersfield Hub co-founder Steven Downes has stepped down as a director and left the business.

Steven, who teamed up with fellow journalist Martin Shaw to launch Huddersfield Hub in February 2021, has decided the time is right to move on.

Having been instrumental in the creation of Huddersfield Hub, Steven will always be a firm part of the Hub’s history.

Steven, who resigned his position in August, said: “This has not been an easy decision and one I thought deeply about.

“I came up with the idea for an alternative news and sport website for Huddersfield during lockdown and I will always remember the day Martin and I sat in the pub having a pint and I explained the idea to him. That’s something I am immensely proud of.

“Because of my friendship with Martin I thought we could build a successful website, brand and platform that would fill the gap in the Huddersfield news and sport sphere. I think we’ve achieved that.”

Steven Downes and Martin Shaw came up with the idea for Huddersfield Hub over a pint!

Steven brought on board digital and branding expert Tom Coates to design and build the website and Steven said: “The result was fantastic and having worked with Tom before, I knew the brilliant qualities he can bring to a business.

“I’d like to thank Tom for his time, dedication and commitment in making our dream a reality and I’m sure he’ll continue to help Martin make the Hub the huge success we all believe it can be.

“We have certainly brought a lot of smiles to people’s faces in Huddersfield and beyond with our unique brand of positivity, good news and quality journalism over the last two-and-a-half years. I am sure Martin will continue this moving forward.

“Huddersfield deserves to be seen in a positive light and not always talked down and spoken about negatively.

“I’m proud to have helped make a difference and I wish Martin all the best in making the Hub an even bigger success.”

Martin said: “Steve was instrumental in the creation of Huddersfield Hub and will always be welcome back.

“It’s been some journey and Steve and I have worked hard to create a brand from the ground up and build strong foundations for the future.

“That groundwork is starting to pay off and October has been a record month for us. I look forward to continuing to drive this business forward and providing a positive voice for Huddersfield and a platform for the local community.”

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