Former Huddersfield gymnast and pub landlord Brian Hayhurst and his wife Elaine are ex-pats who have lived just outside Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol for 20 years. He writes every fortnight for Huddersfield Hub.

This week we had a surprise meet up with a familiar face and former Huddersfield pub trade colleague Terry Rose.

Terry is behind the transformation of two Lindley pubs into busy venues – The Old Wireworks (ex-Globe) and Lindley Tap (The Saddle).

Terry looked fit, healthy and joyful as he explained that he had purchased a flat, just 6km from us, and now (almost) fully retired and loving every minute on the Costa del Sol.

His daughter oversees the Lindley Tap and he has managers in another pub venture, The Viaduct in West Vale.

Terry had originally had his sights on the ever-bustling high life of Marbella but settled for a more tranquil life just outside La Cala de Mijas.

He said: “I’m living the dream, and no regrets having had to overcome the many obstacles in developing my Huddersfield pubs. I just love it here!”

The spectacular Mare Nostrum open air theatre presents live shows throughout the summer. The tiered seating on the hillside of Fuengirola historic castle overlooks the Med.

With the entire Costa del Sol breaking many records for visitors, residents and hotel occupancy, it is reassuring for the Spanish government, despite the Prime Minister’s PP Party not doing well at all in the regional elections.

PM Sanchez is feeling so confident he’s decided to call a snap general election at the end of the month.

What this will mean with any changes is unknown if a new party is sworn in? It’s anybody’s guess!

On July 1st Spain took over the Presidency of the EU on a six-month rotating basis. Let’s hope they can make changes to the infuriating 90-day rule.

READ MORE: Catch up on Brian’s previous blogs HERE

It is difficult to judge just how well the holiday season is going. Some leading hoteliers are now advising that champagne should be put on ice for the time being because bookings from key markets has taken a drop in the past five weeks.

That’s probably because the cost-of-living crisis has hit many families in the pocket.

Mallorca and the Costas have been hit the most, where now, special offers and deals are hoping might turn around the decline in visitors.

The Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre, was full of praise recently as he welcomed the first of dozens of scheduled flights direct from New York to Malaga Airport.

He said to the gathered media: “The region and local tourism will benefit very much from this influx of holidaymakers and possible home finders.”

There has been no stopping the number of top entertainers coming to perform here and throughout Spain.

The Robbie Williams spectacular mid-June show kept a sell-out audience dancing and singing at the Fuengirola beachside venue ‘Mare Nostrum’ as the jam-packed crowd lapped up his one hour 45-minute set beneath a cloudless night sky.

His attempts to speak Spanish were hilarious but well received, adding an ‘o’ at the end of each short sentence.

One audience member said: “It was brilliant, although it was identical to his show in the UK with the same song list, jokes and one-liners.”

Tom Jones, Rod Stewart, Michael Bolton and Lionel Richie are a few of dozens more, eager to come over and enjoy the balmy warm evenings in some huge arenas.