Former Huddersfield gymnast and pub landlord Brian Hayhurst and his wife Elaine are ex-pats who have lived just outside Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol for 20 years. He writes a regular blog for Huddersfield Hub.

As I write, the temperature here on mainland Spain is in the mid-20s centigrade and there are no forecasts for cooler times.

The record-breaking seasonal temperatures each year were taken into account at the World Travel market exhibitions last week where ABTA predicted that holidays here, especially for Brits, will see a change in trends.

Detailed research found that people were looking to avoid the hotter times of year, meaning May and June are becoming the peak time for visitors. We can confirm that this summer was unbearable.

But, on a cautious note, they also said: “We must take into account the current struggling UK economy and the cost of living issues affecting millions of families.”

Now, should any of our family or friends be contemplating a visit, or even a life changing move over here, there is much to look forward to.

A leading hotel group survey conceded that the Costa del Sol was the No1 destination, taking into account the number of sunny days in the province, restaurants, attractions and a ‘happiness index score.’

And one innovation – the ever popular coastal boardwalk – is constantly fulfilling the desire to make it available to all, along the entire Costa del Sol – 150 km from Cadiz, up and beyond Nerja.

The boardwalk above and Mijas cloud sits on the mountain tops

Visitors arriving here will be landing at Malaga Airport which has just been declared by AENA to be the current best performing and most efficient airport in Spain dealing with 26.2 million national and international travellers in October, the best performance in its 104-year history, outstripping other big ones like Barcelona and Mallorca.

Spain is joining France in an on-going attempt to drop the nonsense 90-day stay rule which has done nothing but harm their economies by keeping people away, especially at off-peak times.

It is economic madness to restrict thousands of second home owners from coming to spend their hard earned cash since Brexit, and both countries are determined to change the situation, hoping that common sense prevails and that the ludicrous rule is kicked into touch.

France has voted through a 90-day law change into the Senate, now to be discussed in the lower house.

There are several mind blowing leisure/recreational parks under construction in the region, and a once popular theme park is about to get a new lease of life having been shut down for three years.

Tivoli World in Benalmadena, which opened in 1976, has been thrown a lifeline by Tremon Real Estate Group which is hoping to take this semi-derelict leisure site, now eerie with dozens of rusting rollercoaster rides, back into action.

Also in Benalmadena, another ambitious investment project – costing €4.2 million – is a massive enlargement of the marina. Besides recreational activities, the council want to introduce a distinctive and cultural programme.

READ MORE: Catch up on Brian’s previous blogs HERE

“The Malaga Christmas lights are the best in Europe.” So said project organiser, Councillor Porras, as she toured the main event streets as final installations were completed. The extravaganza was switched on yesterday – Friday November 24.

The festive music and light spectacular attracts thousands nightly to be mesmerised with the million LED lights within 500 streets in the capital. At a cost of €1.4 million they pack the main street, Calle Larios, for the weeks ahead with three shows daily.

Finally, another new law for police to consider is the dropping of the breakdown traffic warning triangles, being replaced by the V16 bright orange, flashing light placed on the vehicle roof which can also determine your location if broken down.