Why I Love Huddersfield, sponsored by Wild PR, is a monthly feature where we ask a well-known Huddersfield personality what the town means to them. Here we chat to Huddersfield Town legend and local hero ANDY BOOTH.

1. Tell us something we don’t know about you?

I’m a Dance Dad! If ever I get a weekend off from football I’m up and down the country watching my daughter dance. I’m also the president of Hall Bower Cricket Club where I’ve spent most of my summers playing and watching cricket for the last 48 years.

2. What does Huddersfield mean to you?

This is where I was born, all my family were born here, my wife and kids were born here too. As a lot of people know I played nearly all of my football career in Huddersfield and now I am working at the club and in the community. So Huddersfield has been – and always will be – a massive part of my life.

3. How would you describe Huddersfield to a stranger?

It doesn’t matter where you are in Huddersfield you’re only really a 10-minute drive away from being in some of the most beautiful countryside in the whole country.

Andy Booth the player

4. We’ll take you out for a meal in Huddersfield. Where would you like to go and why?

The 3 Acres please! It’s my all-time favourite restaurant.

5. The Huddersfield Blueprint is going to change the face of the town centre over the next five to 10 years. What one thing would you like to see in the town centre?

I know it has had work done in the last few years but I love all the old buildings around St George’s Square and I think it would be great to have café bars, entertainment, outside seating and make it a wow factor when you come out of the railway station. 

6. What venue, nightclub or attraction from Huddersfield’s past would you like to see return?

It has to be Johnny’s nightclub. I don’t need to explain why as all those people who went know exactly why Johnny’s needs to return. I spent many hours in the karaoke bar thinking I was Elton John singing Crocodile Rock!

Andy Booth the club ambassador

7. We all love Jodie Whittaker, of course, but who’s your favourite Doctor Who?

Jodie Whittaker – I have to support a Skelmanthorpe girl.

8. How did you spend your time in lockdown and has the Covid-19 pandemic changed you?

I spent most of my time in lockdown in my garden sunbathing and drinking Aperol Spritz! I’d never really been to Marsden or Slaithwaite but found some great walks and the cafés/bars are great. Don’t get me started on Uppermill as I spend a lot of my days off there!

9. We’re packing you off to a desert island for a month. What one item would you take with you and why?

A radio, as I couldn’t risk missing the cricket. I could (and have) spent all day listening to Test Match Special. They do a fantastic job.

Quick questions:

1. Dixon’s Milk Ices or Marstons Chicken Shop? Dixon’s

2. Greenhead Park or Beaumont Park? Greenhead Park – I spent all my summers there as a kid.

3. Castle Hill or Emley Moor TV mast? Castle Hill as it overlooks my beloved cricket club Hall Bower!

4. Strictly Come Dancing or I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here? Great question! Anybody who knows me knows I love my reality TV and after a home game I rush home to be back for the start of Strictly but out of the two I’d have to say I’m a Celeb just pips it!

Thanks, Boothy. You’re a celebrity. Get yourself out of here – Editor.