Huddersfield Open tennis champion Alice Brook is hoping to spend four years in America to hone her skills on the court.

Alice, 16, of Ilkley, won the top prize in both the women’s adult section and under 18s category at the Huddersfield Open Tennis.

The competition, which took place last month, was closely fought with 294 players – men, women and juniors – taking part. Overall 405 matches took place, with 743 sets battled out over 6,154 games.

On winning the tournament Alice said: “It was great, it’s a big local tournament and one I was proud to win. I wasn’t nervous in the finals, and to beat a great player in Sophie Marshman in the adult final was a good achievement.”

Alice has big dreams of going to America to a university where she can learn the sport. She said: “I am very excited about possibly going over to America, it’s what I want to do.

“I’m determined to achieve my dreams and going there is the next big step. I know it’s a long way from home but I really want to go there and try to do the best I can.” 

Alice’s mum Leanne, 50, said making it to the top of the sport is Alice’s dream. She added: “We were so delighted when Alice won in Huddersfield. It’s a big competition and she played really well. We have only ever supported Alice in her dreams and never pressured her like some other parents. 

“She’s played the sport since the age of six, taking after her grandma Pauline who’s still playing now at 75 years old. Alice wants to go to America and we are helping to support her to succeed in her dream.”