It’s hard enough to win the Huddersfield Tennis Open championships as an adult but to win it when you are only 14 is something special. Louis Hull did exactly that at this year’s tournament and now dad Paul insists the local lad is destined for the top. 

Despite his tender age Louis was beating adults in the men’s competition, reaching the final at Huddersfield Lawn Tennis & Squash Club against another teenager Joe Conaghan.

Louis, of Thongsbridge Tennis Club, has a passion and drive to learn – and a ruthless streak on the court. Dad Paul said: “He’s done really well and especially in this summer season where he’s really stepped up and won some well known competitions including the Huddersfield one.

“I’m very proud of him, not just by how he played, but how he handled himself and the occasion. It was a very mature performance for a 14-year-old. He was beating men with ease. It was a very impressive tournament from him.

“In the final Louis took on Joe Conaghan who he actually played with in the under-18s Yorkshire county cup team. So both players knew each other quite well.

“Joe is slightly older than Louis and because they’d also played each other in the under-18s final for this competition, which Louis also won, it made the adult men’s final even more intriguing.

Louis Hull

“The Huddersfield tournament has got a very good reputation not just locally but nationally too. People come from all around the country to play in it. 

“It’s nice that a local lad like Louis can win a tournament as well known as Huddersfield. It’s fantastic for our club at Thongsbridge where a number of the kids are looking up to Louis now and saying they want to be like him.” 

Louis is ranked 10th in the country in the year of his birth 2007. He’s ranked 20th nationally as an under 16. The next part of his development is to win more tournaments here before going to a college or university in America. 

Paul added: “Louis has played at Thongsbridge Tennis Club since the age of five. He is on his tennis journey to try and make it to the top and wants to go and learn the sport at an American college/university. He is building up a ranking over here so he can go over there and work at becoming a pro. 

“Louis has a strength and conditioning coach at Thongsbridge and the fact is lads like Louis at the age of 14 need to be playing in men’s games to progress if they are to make it to the very top. It is hugely competitive to become a pro and not many young lads make it. 

“Louis played in Sweden just before last Christmas in a junior tennis Europe event and he reached the quarter-finals. The next step is to feature more on the European and world ranking table and also to continue to win tournaments here.” 

Louis’s role model is Rafael Nadal and Paul insists he wouldn’t be surprised to see his son one day emulate Nadal and play at Wimbledon.


Louis Hull demolished the competition

“His role model has been Rafael Nadal from a young age,” said Paul. “He just likes how he plays and how he acts on the court. 

“Louis is still enjoying his school life and wants to do well academically. He knows how tough it is to break through to be a tennis pro and so understands he might need a back up plan. He’s a smart lad but is also driven to accomplish his dream. 

“We encourage all the kids at the club to dream big and that’s the same with Louis. Why can’t we see him playing at Wimbledon in the future? Hopefully it happens.”