Huddersfield Amateur FC women’s team will find out their season’s fate when a vote is cast next Tuesday. 

The Huddersfield Amateur Football Club has four men’s sides and currently one women’s team. 

The women’s team play in the West Riding Country Women’s Football League Division One, which is level 8 of the women’s football league pyramid. They sit 4th in the table on eight points after seven games. 

Manager Richard Brearley will cast his vote along with the rest of the teams in the division. The vote will decide whether the league campaign should continue. 

Brearley said: “We are hoping the league season will continue. We are currently 4th in the table and we’d like to try and see if we can push for higher. I’ll be casting my vote on Tuesday and then we’ll see what decision is made.” 

Brearley is excited at how the team has progressed since its inception three years ago. He now thinks there are enough players to create a second women’s team. 

He added: “I think it’s fantastic how much we have come along since I created the team three years ago. When I brought the idea to the club they were behind me on it and I’m grateful for that. 

“I’m looking forward to what might come next for us. Our ultimate goal will be to be promoted to level 7.”

It will be an anxious wait for the team and Brearley himself until a decision is made.