With restrictions easing and the Euro 2020 tournament kicking off this weekend, West Yorkshire Police has launched a new campaign to encourage people to enjoy the summer safely.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of crimes such as domestic abuse, drink driving, one-punch manslaughter and sexual assault; and give advice on how to keep yourself and others safe on a night out.

Assistant Chief Constable Catherine Hankinson said: “After months of lockdowns and restrictions on being able to see family and friends, we know people are starting to take the opportunity to visit the many fantastic pubs and bars that West Yorkshire has to offer. While we want people to be able to go out and enjoy themselves, we also want people to get home safely.

“Unfortunately, with trips to the pub to watch the football and having friends over for barbecues in the garden, we do see increases in offences such as drink driving and domestic abuse.

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“While also thankfully very rare, we have had instances in West Yorkshire of one-punch manslaughter and people need to be aware of the potentially very serious consequences of a disagreement turning violent.

“This campaign is not about trying to stop anyone’s fun but about ensuring that our villages, towns and cities are a safe and enjoyable place for all. We want people to consider their own personal safety, such as how much they drink and how they are going to get home.

“We also want people to think about the effect their actions have on others and ensuring that they are not making others feel threatened or vulnerable or making sexual advances without consent.

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“A good night can quickly turn bad if you find yourself in the back of a police van, hungover in a police cell or waking up in a hospital bed. We want everyone to look out for themselves and each other and ensure that summer 2021 is a summer that we can all remember for the right reasons.”

More information about the campaign is available at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/SafeSummer